One of the first lessons I learned as a young boy was to say, “Please and Thank You. Please when I wanted something and Thank You after receiving my request. I knew them as being common courtesies and part of being a well mannered person. However, over time I found they were more than nice words, they were magical, yes I said magical.
When used well, they could accomplish more than almost any other means available. They could get a project accomplished which was stuck and not progressing. They could get others to go the extra mile even when money couldn’t get employees to buy in.
One could fill hundreds of pages with examples of where Please and Thank You were the champions of the day.
And now we are well into 2022, and employees are saying, “I need more than money. I want and need appreciation and respect. “Hiring signs are everywhere, offering “flexible hours” and “sign on” bonuses. Some restaurants and retail shops are closing because they have no employees. Even the large corporate businesses are desperate for people to work. There is a great need, and it continues to grow. Yet, while People don’t appear to need incentives in regards to finances, they have other sources to live on.

The other day I was having breakfast with a friend, and, when the waitress came to take our orders, I said, “Thank You for being here, it means a lot to me.” Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. She responded to my magical words with her own magical words: “Thank you so much for telling me, Thank You.” These magical words made her day and mine as well.
Employers, it’s time to roll out these magical words.