Nearly everyday in the news, we hear about employees struggling in their work due to the COVID-19 attack. Words such as isolated, confused, lonely and depressed fill conversations. People work remotely and isolated from each other except for the required conversations on ZOOM. What should the business owner do? In the world of management excellence,…
Employee Relations – Inspiring Loyalty
Employees don’t leave organizations; they leave managers. I want to talk about the foundations of loyalty… But first I want to say that inspiring loyalty takes more than being nice to employees… It takes more than paying premium salaries to employees… It takes more than providing excellent benefits and bonuses and special parking and paid…
What’s Your Life Purpose?
What is your purpose in life? Why do you exist? What are you trying to achieve in life? What are your goals? What is your vision? I ask these questions frequently as I work with clients and many of them are uncertain about their answers. They are wandering through life hoping to find purpose, but wondering just the same.…
Is Self-Centeredness Killing Employee Engagement?
Relationships count. Maintaining a positive connectedness with employees is a very important leadership responsibility and a critical part of relationship building. Remember the Gallup Poll study on engagement and productivity. We as owners want our organizations to be great, but often forget the path to greatness flows through the hearts of our employees. I like…