Employees don’t leave organizations; they leave managers. I want to talk about the foundations of loyalty. But first I want to say that inspiring loyalty takes more than being nice to employees. It takes more than paying premium salaries to employees. It takes more than providing excellent benefits and bonuses and special parking and paid…
Pay Only For What You Need
I enjoy the Liberty Mutual Insurance advertisements! They have a simple but understandable message which essentially says, “When purchasing insurance, pay only for what you need”. And they say it over and over again and again and again and again… This is not an article about buying insurance; it’s about selecting the best compensation plan…
Minimum Wage, or Not?
Quite a few years ago my then teenage daughter Alison and I were out on a date. My late wife Nancy was working late that night and so Alison and I were free to spend time together. While on the way I asked Alison, ”What have you been thinking about lately?” It seemed like a…
Another Way to Look at Compensation
Compensation is more than merely wage for work performed. While $$$ to pay the bills is important, an equally important element of compensation is job fulfillment. A few years back, I (Doris) had a memorable conversation with one of the housekeeping staff at the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics. “Anna” is always smiling. “Anna” loves…
How to Shrink Your Retail Business
Family-owned consignment business owners often think they’re under the radar. All can be well and good until that business success runs sideways with Uncle Sam. Ask Rhea Riner, who’s been fighting U.S. Dept of Labor laws since 2013 for the ability to keep part of her successful business model. What did she do that’s so…