Did you know that an estimated 80% of the turnover in organizations is caused by poor management. That is a staggering figure when you stand back and contemplate it. This is also an expensive matter, if you believe the DOL’s estimate that the cost of turnover is 1.5 times the annual salary of the person leaving the…
What We Don’t Hear Can Hurt Us
We work so much with workplace harassment prevention that my staff has become quite the experts. So, I shouldn’t have been surprised when Anne, my curriculum specialist, brought a The Washington Post article to my attention last week about workplace harassment. In the article written by Erin Wade of The Mac + Cheese Cookbook, Ms.…
What should you do about Workplace Harassment?
Workplace harassment is in the news, but we (at Executive Advantage) were talking about it way before it became a media explosion. Now, the whole world, it seems, is talking about it at office parties and dinner parties, but at what point are we willing to consider talking to a qualified HR professional about our…
Simple Ain’t Simple No More
Being a business owner used to be basically simple. Generally one used common sense to navigate through the day and once-in-a-while one had to bend to the federal or state government rules on a tax matter, but even that was a rare happening. Simple Ain’t Simple No More especially with the Federal Department of Labor…
Workplace Harassment Can Happen Here
How would your company’s name look in headlines? A recent headline on KOMU.com reads: “Jury decides harassment at work and at school contributed to a Missouri teen’s suicide.” The manager of the Dairy Queen was charged with second degree manslaughter as a result of her actions. The school district is still trying to defend itself.…