As we’re out and about (nearly everywhere we go), we like to ask those around us how they’re doing. We’re Human Resources consultants, and people are one of our primary businesses; so asking people how they’re doing is both interesting and important to us. We hear a variety of answers. Some respond with the traditional,…
Thoughts About Resignations and Remote Work
Nearly every day, we see social media articles related to the “Great Resignation”. All kinds of reasons for people walking away from jobs are given. It’s no wonder the business world is confused about the staffing situation as there are so many postulated reasons given for the problem. Therefore, we at Executive Advantage thought we…
Employee or Independent Contractor?
Do I W-2 or do I 1099 the worker? That is the question business owners and other organizations must face in 2021. Why are you, at Executive Advantage, bringing this issue up? Didn’t you comment on this back in 2015? The answer is ‘Yes,’ we did, but there, in a very quiet way, have been…
Another Way to Look at Compensation
Compensation is more than merely wage for work performed. While $$$ to pay the bills is important, an equally important element of compensation is job fulfillment. A few years back, I (Doris) had a memorable conversation with one of the housekeeping staff at the University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics. “Anna” is always smiling. “Anna” loves…
Welcome to the Human Race for Business Owners & HR!
PAST EVENT. For more information about upcoming events please join our newsletter. An interactive training on Respect, Inclusion, and Preventing Workplace Harassment. If you’re a business owner, HR person or have management responsibility, then join us for a workshop on respect, inclusion, and preventing workplace harassment. Build the type of workplace in which your co-workers and…