In the midst of the day-to-day activities that need to happen to allow for an organization to function well, there has to be someone looking to make certain it’s moving on course—and not towards an iceberg. All this sounds relatively simple when writing or teaching about it … until you’re the one at the helm of the ship with a group of highly opinionated staff, each of whom is excellent in his/her function, yet with a perspective limited to his/her area.
This is where some good tools come in handy (and perhaps a tactful third party with expertise in group dynamics).
Business plans, tactical plans and strategic plans… Let’s lay aside the question for a moment of which you need and consider what are the triggers that might indicate you need a type of planning process that would involve a written document.
- When trying to evaluate the worth of a new venture or expansion
- When attempting to finance a venture or expansion
- As a board-directed entity in which the members will be rotating “in and out”, it’s good to have a strategic plan as an operational compass
- When you need “buy in” from members in order to move forward
- As part of a succession-planning process
HR Reviews
How would you feel about flying in a plane that hadn’t had a thorough going over?
Parachuting out of a plane in a parachute that hadn’t been inspected?
Forgoing your semi-annual dental check up and cleaning…. for 5 years?
Think of an HR Review as a physical for your HR System. Through the, you can learn more.
We have strong opinions on HR reviews and would love to take time over a cup of coffee to hear about your business and to see if an HR review might be good for you. Yup, it might be time to schedule that coffee conversation.