To protect your company and clients, you’ll want to consider which a criminal background check to perform on for which job positions. Background checks might include: FCSR screenings, employment reference checks, criminal checks, credit checks. It’s critical to mind your P’s & Q’s with background checks.
- In some situations, certain background checks are required.
- In some situations, background checks are highly recommended.
- In all situations, background checks need to be performed at the appropriate time and with the appropriate signed waivers.
- In some situations, the documentation needs to be separated from the general personnel files.
- In some situations, the documentation should be immediately shredded.
Ways we can come alongside you:
- Assistance with determining policy regarding background checks;
- Assistance with performing background checks as included in the Job Description and allowable in the state, city or county of the hiring company;
- Consulting regarding how to handle less than stellar background checks.